We are business psychologists who specialise in enabling individuals and teams to achieve their full potential
Established in 2006 by Ruth Colling, RCC Ltd is a business psychology consultancy which has a strong track record of supporting both teams and individuals to find their flow and to flourish.
Our work includes:
- Executive coaching.
- Designing and facilitating leadership and management programmes.
- Team coaching & offsite facilitation.
- Training mental health first aiders (MHFA UK).
About us
Ruth Colling is a Business Psychologist and coach, and has worked in the consultancy field for over 20 years, working across all sectors, with a wide range of individuals and teams – each with a wide range of challenges! Prior to becoming a Business Psychologist, she worked as an HR Professional, for British Steel and then UBS. Ruth Colling partners with a number of trusted associates with whom she has worked for many years.
Philosophy & model of working
Our background in business psychology, coupled with our business experience, means that we have a sound understanding of the sorts of challenges people typically face. We use a wealth of techniques which we readily pass on to our clients so that they are equipped to handle the issues they face on a daily basis. Our approach is highly pragmatic, and whilst we use our knowledge of psychological theory and best practice as background insight, our main aim is to work with clients to find workable and practical solutions. As psychologists, we are keen to help our clients to look beyond the obvious to stimulate well-considered personal change.

We can all feel unsure from time-to-time. Coaching can help you develop confidence, self-belief, direction and drive.
Executive Coaching
Our coaching approach is to work closely with the client to identify clear objectives at the start of the process, which will guide the focus during the coaching programme. This is not to say that the objectives can’t change, but does mean that the coaching is targeted and directed towards achieving certain goals. We believe our roles as coaches is to support and encourage; to facilitate and challenge.

A coordinated team with a clear vision, strategy and well-defined culture will outperform one that doesn’t.
Team Coaching & Offsite Facilitation
The very best teams take the time to evaluate their performance and to gear up for challenges ahead. Team coaching can support these endeavours by offering objective and independent facilitation, plus a deeper and more psychological approach to bring about longer-lasting change.

Managers and leaders need an opportunity to add to their toolkit from time-to-time in order to realise their true potential
Leadership and Management Programmes
Our approach to leadership and management development is highly practical, and will give your leaders and managers an opportunity to step back from the day to day, to evaluate their current performance against what is required of them, and to develop a toolkit they can refer to in their day-to-day practice.

Many people feel unequipped to handle mental health-related issues in the workplace
Mental Health First Aider Training
We are qualified to train mental health first aiders (through MHFA England). The two-day Mental Health First Aiders Training is a practical skills and awareness course designed to give you:
- A deeper understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing.
- Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues.
- Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress.
- Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening.
- Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to appropriate support.
We also offer manager group coaching to enable managers to work through practical management scenarios which may involve mental health and wellbeing issues.

Client experience
Ruth Colling works across all sectors, and most recently, housing, financial services, insurance, professional services, public and private sectors. More specific details can be made available on request.
What clients have said about Ruth Colling:
“I have worked with a number of executive coaches and can honestly say Ruth has made the most significant impact to my development. She has a calming, serene-like approach, and encourages and challenges me to be the best version of me. She ‘gets’ me but doesn't let me off the hook which is absolutely what I need.”
“Ruth cares, helps, encourages and does what an excellent coach should do. She’s inspirational and makes me want to do better.”
“Ruth is one of the most empathic people I know, but this doesn’t stop her from being assertive and challenging!”
“I never imagined I’d feel so at ease with somebody when the focus was all about me, or that she’d be able to help me identify and work on the key issues so quickly.”
“Without Ruth’s support, I honestly don’t think I would be in the exciting position I’m in.”
“Ruth’s coaching has been career changing. Ruth is the only person I would consider turning to every time”.
“Ruth is very positive and dynamic, open and receptive, but the best praise I can offer is that I felt I had an ally in her, helping me to navigate the complexities of what I was trying to achieve.”
“Ruth’s approach is pragmatic, professional and warm, and has guided me through numerous challenges in a very competitive and political investment house.”